Monday, June 12, 2006

Four Days Left

We’re in the final stages of preparation. Three more days of work then it all starts. We have everything together, now it’s just a matter of fitting it all in the van. I’m anxious to find out how much we can put in and still be able to move around.

It’s taken me a long time to settle on how many and just what spare bike parts to bring. Originally I planned on taking an extra bicycle but that seems like overkill so the spare bike will be left at home to be sent in case of emergency. I don’t want to think about my bike frame breaking but have broken five frames in the past so it’s always in the back of my mind. Most of the moving parts on my bike are new for this trip and should last long after the trip ends. However that still leaves the following spare parts: 2 tires, 8 inner tubes, 3 patch kits, 1 set of wheels, 1 chain, extra pedals, extra pedal cleats, and an extra “cushy” seat. The only thing missing is the partridge in a pear tree. Maybe I can buy one along the way.

People have asked what kind of training I’ve done for the trip. I cycle an average of about 6000 miles a year. Many of you know that last statement is a lie, not the part about the miles ridden but that I have to guess how many. I admit to having a slight OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) when it comes to tracking numbers and will torture the data until it confesses to every last decimal place. Rest assured that I’ll try to spare the gory statistical details. Anyway because of my bike commuting and normal weekend riding I haven’t done any extra training. The increased fitness should come once we start, as long as I take it easy and don’t do anything to hurt myself.

It still hasn’t sunk in that we’re leaving in a few days. I just keep thinking of everything that needs to be done. It may not become real until we’ve been on the road for a week but in any case we’re about to find out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your OCD has been rated at 9.9685 on a scale of 10.0 when it comes to mileage and calories--an average of 0.458 less for everything else.

Good luck and have fun.

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From chilly Australia - have fun and enjoy the ride. Keep the rubber side down.


8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you get to McKenzie Pass, grab a few pieces of lava for me. When you get to Mitchell, send me some orange juice. When you get to Dixie Pass, whistle me a tune. When you get to the Snake River, grab a vial of water for me. When you reach Jerry Johnson Hot Springs, soak an hour for me. At Lolo Pass, don't pass out. When going through Robbers Roost and Virginia City, send me a postcard.

In Yellowstone, grab a few RV mirrors and toss 'em in the garbage can. Just before Towgotee Pass, take a photo of the cliffs for me. In Jeffrey City, enjoy the City Pool for me, and grab some brochures from the Chamber of Commerce. Zoom your way past Dillon, climb the final continental divide at Hoosier Pass and touch the sign for me.

Then finish the damn ride for me!

It's all about me, but have a great trip.

11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a blast!!
Me, envious, you're damn right!
What are you planning on doing once you get to the east coast? Will you be doing any riding on the way back?

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary, this message is from Mike Johnston’s mom, Barbara. Many good thoughts are coming your way from my house in Austin to your location(s) crossing the country. What a wonderful adventure. Thanks for letting us share through your blog.

Many years ago two friends of mine from Palo Alto made this type of trip, both on bikes, but the added twist to the tale is that they had their five-year-old on a tandem seat on Dad’s bike. Many trials and tribulations ensued, but their goal was to make it and publish a book about the experience. They didn’t have the luxury of a constant place to spend the nights nor, as I think, did they have the precise planning that you have. This was before the Adventure Cycling Association Transamerica maps.

It is interesting to me that your folks have a beach house in Ocean Park, WA, for a very dear friend of mine lives there. She told me to tell you to check out the coffee stand in Nahcotta. Ask for Justin Campbell. He is the son of a very good long-time friend, Barbara Campbell, who lives in Ocean Park.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun Gary, wish I was riding along on my Harley. Don't worry about the work, we're picking up the slack. Did I mention I was taking a month off in 2007? Paybacks are hell aren't they?

12:26 AM  

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