Saturday, June 06, 2009

Into the twilight

June 5, 2009
This has been another interesting day. The weather held off just long enough for me to reach the top of a pass I had to cross. It then got worse and worse until I decided to stop early and outwait the rain. So far it’s not playing along.

I was lucky that it was not raining this morning. The road south of Cangas follows the river Sella almost 30 miles to its source at the 4200’ Puerto (Pass) del Ponton. The air was very humid from the rain that fell overnight. That combined with the lush vegetation and bird songs made the river valley seem like it could be in Western Washington. There were even slugs in the road. Not little slugs; these were big, black, shiny ones that would make any Northwestern person proud.

The Pueblos Blancos in Andalucia are scenic, but I like all the colors in Asturias

The middle section of valley was through a very narrow gorge (Desfiladero de los Beyos). The road is cut from the sides of the cliffs which are so steep that the only views of the river are from the many bridges that cross the chasm. It was a very narrow road, but luckily there wasn’t much traffic and all the drivers were patient in waiting to pass.

Through the Gorge

The upper section of valley opened up into more pasture lands. The road also steepened up for the final climb. The pass was almost into the clouds. Just like yesterday, I’m sure the sights are amazing on a clear day. I expected that the weather would be better on the south side of the pass, but there were big squalls visible.

Village near the top of the valley

It was only 9 miles downhill to the next town, but the rain was through taking it easy. I sheltered in a bar in Riano and had a cup of coffee. The rain didn’t let up so I ducked in another bar for a second coffee. The weather seemed a little better, then let loose again just as I was leaving town. I couldn’t motivate myself to spend a few hours in pouring rain and thus am in Riano for the night.

Riano is a really odd town. At first glance everything seems okay. It’s in a beautiful setting, on a lake and surrounded by mountain peaks. All of the buildings are new, but on closer inspection there’s almost no one living or staying here. It looks like a planned resort/retirement town that didn’t really work out. I keep expecting Rod Serling to step out from a doorway and explain that I have entered the twilight zone and won’t be leaving. There are two young girls playing in the hotel. If they float along the hallway or disappear through a wall then my doubts will be confirmed. In any case I won’t be following them. All joking aside, any port in a storm will do just fine. The rain showers have continued and there has been thunder and lightning this afternoon.

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Tomorrow should be a fairly short ride to Leon. I had hoped to spend another day in the Picos, but they’ll still be here for a future trip.


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